01. About the Webcasts

Build a Portfolio Webcasts Introduction

Webcasts for the Build a Portfolio Project

Need some additional help getting started with the Build a Portfolio Project, or simply curious and want to learn a little bit more? Watch the following Webcasts!

These webcasts are recordings of live Q&A sessions and demos. They have been edited to be shorter and more relevant to newer rubrics. As always, you should read the appropriate rubric for your project thoroughly before you begin work on any project and double check the rubric before submitting. The videos were made by Udacity's coaches. Think of them as supplemental materials. You can find an archive of our webcasts in their entirety in the discussion forums under Webcasts Summaries.

And here's a really important tip: If you're ever stuck on something that seems really difficult, you can check those Webcast Summaries – even before you get to the project. For example, in the supporting courses for the upcoming Online Resume Project, the Responsive Images course asks you to install task runners like Gulp and Grunt, which turns out to be pretty difficult for students in some cases. The webcasts for that project contain step-by-step instructions which would also help you for the Responsive Images course!

For this, the Build a Portfolio Project, you will find webcasts on the project rubric, CSS basics & box model and a demo of Flexbox.

The webcasts for the Build a Portfolio Project include:

  1. About the Build a Portfolio Project - Rubric
  2. CSS Basics and Box Model
  • 00:00 CSS Basics and notation
  • 01:44 CSS box model
  • 03:03 Block elements vs. Inline elements
  • 05:00 How to center elements
  • 07:13 The float property
  1. Advanced Topic - Flexbox demo

After these, you'll find some more advanced help on Grunt and Gulp taskrunners which you'll encounter in your upcoming projects.

Happy Learning!